Permanent Panel:
(ABT) Alternative Building Technology

Composite Panels

Complete House
Our permanent building system carries the approval of Agrément South Africa under Certificate No. 2018/583.
Using a floor plan, the building is converted to the Premod Panel system, prepared by our team. The factory manufactures the composite (light weight concrete) panels according to the designed Panel layout.
The composite panels are supplied to site, as a flat pack kit, where they are erected on an engineer designed concrete floor slab with concrete columns and ring beam, on which a double pitched roof structure, with clad gabbles, is erected.
The building of the structure is carried out by approved trained erectors and local personnel/labour.
Click on downloads to access our brochure for more information on our permanent (ABT) building system.

Why build with Premod® Systems?
This construction method offers a higher degree of performance compared to the conventional block building system. A completed home is aesthetically more pleasing than that built with concrete blocks as the Premod® system has a smooth plaster type finish to both the interior and exterior wall surfaces.
Conducting for the electrical may be installed in the panels during manufacture, thereby negating excessive chasing on site. The home, once complete, may have the wall surfaces skimmed, and may be designed to suit the client’s requirement.
Temporary Panel:

Single Clad Panel

Complete 30sqm Temporary Unit
Although these panels are deemed ‘temporary’, we have supplied units from 2006, which are still standing.
A Panel is constructed using a CHANNEL frame which is then clad with BOARD on the external side. The overall thickness of the finished panel will be approximately 75 mm, whilst the length and height are dependent on the configuration as per the required unit plan and design.
The panels are manufactured in our factory – supplied to our client in a kit form. Extra material supply options are available.
Training on site is provided to the building contractor. Local labour is encouraged so as to empower the community , as no specialized skills are required.
Click on downloads to access our brochure for more information on our temporary building system.